Smart Systems Lab - Univeristy of Florida

We are very pleased that you found the way to our website and hope to provide you with all the information you are seeking on our activities. Our main research field is the design of smart embedded systems, with emphasis of run-time optimization. We investigate the design and run-time operation of high-performance and adaptive architectures with application in image processing, embedded optimization, security, and control.

Beside regular computer engineering classes such as Operating Systems, Computer Architectures, Computer Organization and Design, and Embedded Systems, our graduate classes reflect one or more aspect of our research. For students, we offer the possibility to be involved early in research and development of the most innovative ideas and technologies. Under our research section we provide topics for Bachelor and Master Thesis, independent research subjects, and undergraduate projects that will help students acquire sufficient practical and theoretical knowledge in computer engineering. We are also open to new ideas from students.

If you are a company that needs a feasibility study, need a prototype development, or is willing to contract a research topic, we will be glad to discuss in detail with you. Feel free to contact us anytime for further information.


Explore past and on-going projects in the Smart Systems Lab.

Lab News

Check out our news page for updates on research, lab members, other exciting events.


Our research strategy consist of maintaining a sizeable advance toward our communities, looking forward and anticipating the future, based on current available knowledge, and periodic self-assessment of our research objectives and work conducted in the past. We believe that incremental research can be conducted for some time (5 years), but not be able to address important problems of the future. We try as much as possible to conduct ground-breaking work to cope with future challenges. This requires taking some risks in the investigation of new directions, all of which are not always successful, but be able to recognize and focus on the most promising ones early. Our goal is to build and maintain a self-sustainable and competitive group through smart recruitment of new Master, PhD students and Postdocs and funding acquisition from major research organizations like NSF, NIH, DARPA, DoD, as well as the Industry. Our past and current work has contributed to lay the groundwork needed to take us to the next step.


Our research is supported by funding and donations from the following organizations:

  • National Science Foundation
  • Airforce Research Lab
  • German Research Association
  • German-French University
  • European Union
  • Xilinx
  • Altera


We actively collaborate with the following organizations and companies:

  • R-Dex Systems (
  • ZeSys (Center for Embedded Systems in Berlin, Germany)
  • Frohle Network in Germany

Research Fields

We seek changes in the ways solutions are being provided in image processing, high-level design of multiprocessor on reconfigurable chips, and particularly the use of reconfigurable logic for investigation of self-organization in embedded systems. Specifically, our investigations are currently articulated around the following domains:

  • Embedded Intelligent Visual Systems AMOC (Adaptive Multiprocessor on Chip)
  • Virtual Prototyping of Image Processing System on Chip
  • Dynamic Network on Chip
  • On-chip multiprocessing
  • Hardware Virtualization on Field Programmable Gate Arrays
  • Embedded Optimization
  • Cyber Security